Here at the Tournament Podcast, we’ve spent the last few weeks in the trenches of niche pop culture. From Weird Al songs to Succession characters to the battle of the Four Chrises (still excited about an Evans victory), we’ve been asking the big question about really specific things. For this week’s episode, we’re taking a step away from niche content and focusing on something that we believe everyone has an opinion on. Since Halloween is on Sunday, we thought it was a good time to ask: Which Scary Creature is the Best Scary Creature?
Like we always say, “best” is subjective; the word means whatever it means to you. Unlike other tournaments we’ve done, this tournament comes with an adjective. The creatures are “scary,” complicating what best can mean even more than usual. Are you supposed to vote for the scariest? Or are you supposed to vote for the least scary, because scary, after all, is negative, and something that isn’t so negative would actually be the best? Voting for your favorite is always an option, or the one that you think is maybe most culturally relevant. As always, we’re not going to help you define the word “best.” We’re just saying it’s a little more complex this week than it usually is.
As for the creatures themselves, we took a general approach. No monsters with a name made the list (sorry to Nia’s seventh grade English teacher Mrs. Beatty, a certified Frankenstein freak). There are also no mythical creatures on the list, no matter how tantalizing the inclusion of Sasquatch may have been to the makers of the bracket. We broke it down into Halloween icons and straight up monsters for you folks this week. We hope you enjoy it, and most importantly, we hope you vote!
We also MUST give a shout out and a thank you to our guest this week, the incredible Matt DeMotts. Not only is Matt an A-Tourney at Pod, but he’s also a certified Freak for Freaks™ and knows a lot about creepy monsters and ghoulish haunts. He came up with this idea, in fact! Perhaps most importantly, though, he, like Nia, is a Scorpio, so YA KNOW he’s got a dark side to him.
Voting Schedule:
Sweet Sixteen: Monday 10/25
Elite Eight: Tuesday 10/26
Final Four: Wednesday 10/27
Championship: Thursday 10/28
Winner reveal on a brand new Friday 10/29 episode!