In our "Meet the Team" series we've asked each of our advisory board and founding team members a series of questions so you can get to know them.
Today we'd like to introduce Carly Heiser, Twitch Coordinator and Producer for the network.
Here's what she had to say:
I’m Carly, and go by C2 online. I’m a twitch streamer and internet maker. I play a lot of video games while curating a nice space for hanging out.
What's something you've been reading/watching/listening to lately that you're loving?
I listen to a lot of The Midnight, their song Los Angeles is a favorite!
What is something you're working on right now (or recently) that you're really pumped about?
My stream!! I do a lot of activities there, I have monthly parties, interview my streaming friends and play with viewers most Fridays.
Any new pandemmy hobbies?
Not really, I just play a lot more video games now than ever before haha
What made you want to get involved with Trident?
I love lookin at Val make stuff and helping her do it too.
What are you most excited about when it comes to Trident?
I’m excited to be a part of everyone’s new and weird ideas.
What is something you wish more people knew about you? A fun fact or secret talent?
I feel like I’m pretty clear about what I want people to know about me, although I wish people knew how much I like my alone time. Alone time is what keeps me going, I love to lay around alone and do nothing!
Anything else you'd like us to know?
I’m always down to eat a cheeseburger!